- Introduction
- Current status and issues of patent classification
Izumi TSUZUKI………270
- Current situation of CHC Project and its future
Yoshitaka OTA………277
- Overview of CPC
Atsushi NOZAKI………282
- New patent classification CPC on STN
Kyoko UENO………288
- New Patent Classification CPC (Cooperative Patent Classification) between the EPO and the USPTO
Misato SAKAI………292
- Problems of patent classification in Japan
Yuichi USUI………298
- INFOSTA Forum (271)
Nobuko OCHIAII………304
- Editor’s note
Current status and issues of patent classification
Osaka Institute of Technology
5-16-1 Ohmiya, Asahi-ku, Osaka, 535-8585, JAPANAbstract: In order to examine and search a large number of patent applications, patent classification is indispensable. International Patent Classification (IPC), FI,F-Term have been used for many years.
However, because of the globalization of the economy and the development of technology, there is a limit to the IPC. Now, CPC (Cooperative Patent Classification) has been started by EPO and USPTO and CHC (Common Hybrid Classification) is discussed among 5 big patent offices.
The history, current status of patent classifications and challenges of the future are outlined.
Osaka Institute of Technology
5-16-1 Ohmiya, Asahi-ku, Osaka, 535-8585, JAPANAbstract: In order to examine and search a large number of patent applications, patent classification is indispensable. International Patent Classification (IPC), FI,F-Term have been used for many years.
However, because of the globalization of the economy and the development of technology, there is a limit to the IPC. Now, CPC (Cooperative Patent Classification) has been started by EPO and USPTO and CHC (Common Hybrid Classification) is discussed among 5 big patent offices.
The history, current status of patent classifications and challenges of the future are outlined.
Keywords: patent classification / IPC / FI / F-Term / USPC / ECLA / CPC / CHC
Current situation of CHC Project and its future
Yoshitaka OTA
Japan Patent Office First Patent Examination Department Administrative Affairs Division Patent Classification Policy Planning Section Deputy Director
3-4-3 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 100-8915 JAPANAbstract: The IP5 offices of CN, EP, JP, KR and US have been carrying out Common Hybrid Classification (CHC) Project. It was expected that the Project would harmonize each office’s internal classification scheme (FI/F-term of JPO and CPC of EPO/USPTO) and would make International Patent Classification (IPC) more detailed. The JPO has also been using its resources to advance CHC Project. However, the progress is not very good. Furthermore, the IP5 offices are trying to replace CHC into a new framework to make IPC more detail. This paper explains the current situation and the future of CHC Project.
Japan Patent Office First Patent Examination Department Administrative Affairs Division Patent Classification Policy Planning Section Deputy Director
3-4-3 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 100-8915 JAPANAbstract: The IP5 offices of CN, EP, JP, KR and US have been carrying out Common Hybrid Classification (CHC) Project. It was expected that the Project would harmonize each office’s internal classification scheme (FI/F-term of JPO and CPC of EPO/USPTO) and would make International Patent Classification (IPC) more detailed. The JPO has also been using its resources to advance CHC Project. However, the progress is not very good. Furthermore, the IP5 offices are trying to replace CHC into a new framework to make IPC more detail. This paper explains the current situation and the future of CHC Project.
Keywords: IPC / International Patent Classification / IP5 / CHC / Common Hybrid Classification Project / harmonization of classification / FI / F-term / CPC
Overview of CPC
Atsushi NOZAKI
Landon IP GK
Level 28 Shinagawa Intercity, Tower A 2-15-1 Konan Minato-Ku Tokyo 108-6028 JAPANAbstract: CPC (Cooperative Patent Classification) is the new classification system developed by USPTO and EPO, and has just introduced in this January. This article explains the overview of CPC such as the background of introducing new classification system, the relationship between CPC and ECLA, ICO, USPC etc. CPC has helped examiners and patent information users to search patents efficiency, on the other hand patent information users should not rely on CPC only in conducting patent searches because the detailed operation about CPC isn’t revealed now.
Landon IP GK
Level 28 Shinagawa Intercity, Tower A 2-15-1 Konan Minato-Ku Tokyo 108-6028 JAPANAbstract: CPC (Cooperative Patent Classification) is the new classification system developed by USPTO and EPO, and has just introduced in this January. This article explains the overview of CPC such as the background of introducing new classification system, the relationship between CPC and ECLA, ICO, USPC etc. CPC has helped examiners and patent information users to search patents efficiency, on the other hand patent information users should not rely on CPC only in conducting patent searches because the detailed operation about CPC isn’t revealed now.
Keywords: classification / USPTO / EPO / CPC / US Patent Classification / European Patent Classification / ECLA / ICO / IPC / FI / F Term
New patent classification CPC on STN
Kyoko UENO
JAICI (Japan Association for International Chemical Information)
Nakai Bldg. 6-25-4 Honkomagome Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0021 JAPANAbstract: CPC (Cooperative Patent Classification) which took effect in January 2013 will have significant impact on patent searching. It is important for patent searchers to understand how CPCs are implemented on patent databases in order to secure correct search results. In this article, we describe coverage of CPC in patent databases on STN and also explain specific search and display options. Online thesaurus of CPC, available on STN, can facilitate searching the new patent classification codes. Finally, various tips on using patent classification in patent searching are summarized.
JAICI (Japan Association for International Chemical Information)
Nakai Bldg. 6-25-4 Honkomagome Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0021 JAPANAbstract: CPC (Cooperative Patent Classification) which took effect in January 2013 will have significant impact on patent searching. It is important for patent searchers to understand how CPCs are implemented on patent databases in order to secure correct search results. In this article, we describe coverage of CPC in patent databases on STN and also explain specific search and display options. Online thesaurus of CPC, available on STN, can facilitate searching the new patent classification codes. Finally, various tips on using patent classification in patent searching are summarized.
Keywords: CPC / Cooperative Patent Classification / STN / CAplus / WPI / INPADOC / CPC online thesaurus
New Patent Classification CPC (Cooperative Patent Classification) between the EPO and the USPTO
Misato SAKAI
SmartWorks Inc.
Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Tokyo/4F KS floor 2-1-30 Kudan Minami, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0074 JAPANAbstract: Since January 2013, CPC (Cooperative Patent Classification) has been launched between the European Patent Office (EPO) and the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Until now, the USPTO had been using the highly unique United States Patent Classification (USPC). With the start of the CPC, it can be said that the USPTO compromised to a classification system that follows the International Patent Classification (IPC). The EPO and USPTO hope to eliminate duplicated work and share information. Also, in understanding the classification system and determining the research classification, there should be a reduction in burden for the general user. In the future, it is suggested that there may be a certain influence on IPC reform. Here we give a general overview of the events leading to the CPC system, a summary of the classification system, browsing the classification table, a search strategy, etc.
SmartWorks Inc.
Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Tokyo/4F KS floor 2-1-30 Kudan Minami, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0074 JAPANAbstract: Since January 2013, CPC (Cooperative Patent Classification) has been launched between the European Patent Office (EPO) and the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Until now, the USPTO had been using the highly unique United States Patent Classification (USPC). With the start of the CPC, it can be said that the USPTO compromised to a classification system that follows the International Patent Classification (IPC). The EPO and USPTO hope to eliminate duplicated work and share information. Also, in understanding the classification system and determining the research classification, there should be a reduction in burden for the general user. In the future, it is suggested that there may be a certain influence on IPC reform. Here we give a general overview of the events leading to the CPC system, a summary of the classification system, browsing the classification table, a search strategy, etc.
Keywords: Patent Classification / CPC / ECLA / USPC / U.S.Patent / European Patent / European Patent Office (EPO) / Espacenet
Problems of patent classification in Japan
Yuichi USUI
INFOSTAAbstract: I explained about the procedure of grant of patent classification in Japan. I also explained the relationship between patent classification relevant to technology and patent examination room. I showed that the IPC of 0 hits number is caused by the lack of concordance between the IPC and FI. I also demonstrate some examples that the IPC is more fragmented than FI. For problems of classification imparting such, it was pointed out that should be searched around the FI・F term also. I pointed out that maintenance of FI・F term is important as well.
INFOSTAAbstract: I explained about the procedure of grant of patent classification in Japan. I also explained the relationship between patent classification relevant to technology and patent examination room. I showed that the IPC of 0 hits number is caused by the lack of concordance between the IPC and FI. I also demonstrate some examples that the IPC is more fragmented than FI. For problems of classification imparting such, it was pointed out that should be searched around the FI・F term also. I pointed out that maintenance of FI・F term is important as well.
Keywords: FI / F term / CHC project / IPC / concordance / Registered Investigation Body / IPCC / examination room / prior art research division