2013. 5 Special feature : Medical databases | 情報科学技術協会 INFOSTA

2013. 5 Special feature : Medical databases

Health science and databases in medicine

Hiromichi SUZUKI
International Medical Information Center
Shinanomachi-rengakan, 35 Shinanomachi Shinjyuku-ku, Tokyo 160-0016 JAPAN

Abstract: It is difficult to give an explanation about medicine and a database exactly. Even if it is rare that we rise to a conversation in daily life about astronomy and the theoretical physics, it often becomes the topic on the medical and health care. Giving orderly explanation, although IT related terms, such as a database are familiar and being touched I many cases is not that anyone can do. Based on the characteristic of the medical field, I introduced medical databases and its use.

Keywords:  health science / database / evidence based medicine

Efforts by NBDC/JST to integrate life science databases and the introduction of usage in medical field

Jun-ichi ONAMI 1), Keiko SATO 1), Yoshiko SHIROKIZAWA 1), Toshihisa TAKAGI 1) 2) 3)
1) National Bioscience Database Center, Japan Science and Technology Agency
5-3 Yonbancho Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-8666, JAPAN
2) Department of Computational Biology, Graduate School of Frontier Science, The University of Tokyo
5-1-5 Kashiwa-no-ha, Kashiwa, Chiba, 277-8568, JAPAN
3) DDBJ Center, National Institute of Genetics, Research Organization of Information and Systems
Yata 1111, Mishima, Shizuoka 411-8540, JAPAN

Abstract: National Bioscience Database Center (NBDC) was established in April 2011 as a department of Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) for the purpose of integrating dispersed life science databases. We provide many services such as Integbio Life Science Database Catalog, Life Science Database Cross Search, Life Science Database Archive through our portal site. Services developed by funding projects (FIRST AUTHOR’S, LEADING AUTHOR’S, TogoTV, TogoDoc, BodyParts3D/Anatomography, Taxonomy icon, Allie,inMeXes, etc.) are also available and all services are free of charge. In this article, we introduce our efforts to integrate databases and some examples of accessing database via each service, and utilizing tools for medical field.

Keywords:  database / life science / medicine / integration / cross-search / database-catalog / archive

EBM-oriented searching in PubMed: the activity on JMLA Expert Searching Working Group for Clinical Practice Guidelines

The Japan Medical Library Association Expert Searching Working Group for Clinical Practice Guidelines

Abstract: This article explained the EBM-oriented searching in PubMed referring to insights and examples obtained through the activity of JMLA Expert Searching Working Group for Clinical Practice Guidelines. “Advanced Search” enables creation of search formula with “builder” and “history”. “Filter” is used to narrow down the search results. “My NCBI” is used to save search formula and literatures. It is necessary to take note of indexing information and rules when using “MeSH”. What is needed for searcher is the attitude of collaboration with clients as well as the knowledge of PubMed, MeSH and EBM.

Keywords:  PubMed / information storage and retrieval / Evidence-Based Medicine / Medical Subject Headings / practice guidelines as topic

“Thesaurus for Medical and Health related Terms” (by Japan Medical Abstracts Society) and Its relation to “Medical Subject Headings”

NPO Japan Medical Abstracts Society
2-5-18 Takaido-higashi Suginami-ku Tokyo 168-0072 JAPAN

Abstract: Japan Medical Abstracts Society produces a Japanese medical literature database and provides it through an online service “Ichu-shi Web”. The database contains 1. bibliographic data, 2. abstracts and 3. indexing terms. Trained indexers attach indexing terms that are relevant the subject contains of each article based on “Thesaurus for Medical and Health Related Terms”. “Ichu-shi Web” is designed to obtain search results without requiring the user to reference the thesaurus. But by knowing about the role of thesaurus and indexing terms added each article, users will be able to search “Ichu-shi Web” in various ways. This paper introduces “Thesaurus for Medical and Health Related Terms” and its role in our database with focusing comparison to “Medical Suject Headings” produced by National Library of Medicine (United States).

Keywords:  indexing / thesaurus / Medical Subject Headings / information storage and retrieval / database / Ichushi-Web / Igaku Chuo Zasshi

The future of the Igaku Chuo Zasshi

Hidetaka OKADA
Tokyo Medical University Library
6-7-1, Nishishinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 160-0023 JAPAN

Abstract: For visiting Igaku Chuo Zassi Kankokai, I discuss Igaku Chuo Zassi from these points :to pick up all articles, indexing, document delivery, proceedings, corrected article, and retracted article. Indexing is a core function of the Igaku Chuo Zassi. Document delivery will be a more important issue for public libraries and personals . Proceedings should be included into the Igaku Chuo Zassi. And I Hope that corrected articles and retracted articles should be included into enough as well as PubMed.

Keywords:  Igaku Chuo Zasshi / Ichushi-Web/retrieval / document delivery / indexing / corrected article / retracted publication