The Journal of Information Science and Technology
(Johono Kagaku to Gijutsu)
Vol. 55 i2005j ,@No.2
Special feature : Information portal
Special feature : Information portal. The essencial nature of library portal
Makoto YONEZAWA (Tohoku University Library, 27-1, Kawauchi, Aoba-ku, Sendai, Miyagi, 980-8576 JAPAN)
Abstract : To clear library portal, we examin a difference from infornmation sending portal and difference from homepage. We show the essencial nature of library portal as a user-oriented service presenting various contents of library in web age.
Keywords : library portal / digital library / digital contents / MyLibrary / integrated search
Special feature : Information portal. Portal site of Mie University Library
Satoru KINOSHITA (Mie University Library (1515 Kamihama-cho, Tsu-shi, Mie-ken 514-8507))
Abstract : In the stream of university reform, many Japanese universities have a tendency to enhance quality of their homepages in order to appeal the significance of their existence. In the same way, university libraries also come to open to the public about services and scientific information contents through the Internet. In this paper, as an example of such activities, the trial of portal site construction in Mie University library is introduced. This paper explains a fundamental view and composition about three portal desks (students portal desk, faculties portal desk, local contribution portal) in the homepage of the library and also considers future perspectives and issues.
@Keywords : university library / instruction on information literacy / portal site / service strategy / contribution in local area
Special feature : Information portal. Intellectual property portal gSurfIP" of Singapore
Yasuhide HIRAMA (NTT Data Institute of Management Consulting, Ltd. (32-12, 1-Chome Higashi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0014))
Abstract : In Singapore, Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS) has operated the gSurf IP", which is called "One-stop, First-stop Intellectual Property Portal", as one of social infrastructures to realize knowledge economy. gSurf IP" offers the comprehensive services which follow the life cycle of intellectual property as a service portal not to be restricted to the mere information portal. This paper analyzed the gSurf IP" concretely, and discussed the issues and view of it.
@Keywords : Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS) / SCOPE IP / SurfIP / knowledge economy / nation built on intellectual property / intellectual property management / online marketplace of Intellectual Property Rights
Special feature : Information portal. Activities of the PIUG (Patent Information Users Group, Inc.)
Koh ISHII (Chuo Kogaku Shuppan Co., Ltd. (Takashima Bldg., 1-17-6 Nishi-Shimbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0003))
Abstract : PIUG, the International Society for Patent Information is a not-for-profit organization for individuals having a professional, scientific or technical interest in patent information. With the ever increasing volume of patents and related technical documents, the effective retrieval and analysis of patent information has become an essential skill in business. The mission of PIUG is to encourage the development of patent information research and analysis systems, to further develop members' patent research and analysis skills, and to provide appropriate recognition for its members excelling in the field. Through this international forum and discussion, PIUG promotes and improves the retrieval, analysis and dissemination of patent information.
@Keywords : patent information / users group / knowledge base / discussion list / mailing list / PIUG
Special feature : Information portal. Local information portal web site
Nobuyuki TAMURA (Regional Portal Site Initiative, 3-32-3 Mitaka-sangyoplaza-annex Waseda Research Institute Corporation Mitaka office, Shimorenjaku, Mitaka-shi, Tokyo 181-0013)
Abstract : We can send the various local information to many people by the spread of the Internet.
@@It is important that a local resident and a company exchange information bidirectionally, in order to activate regional economy and realize of improvement in the quality of a life of residents.
@@Based on the above-mentioned recognition, construction of a local portal site is performed in various places.
@@We have supported construction and management of a local portal site in various places.
@@In this article, we describes the point and subject about construction and management of a local portal site based on the result.
@Keywords : local portal site / local activation / community business / storekeeper's society / local self-governing body
Special feature : Information portal. Tsukuba portal site
Akira NISHIZAWA (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and transport (2-1-3,Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8918)), Hidechika TAKAHASHI (Tsukuba Institute of Science & Technology)
Abstract : Tsukuba Portal Site (TSP) has been established in order that it would be easy for persons who live in Tsukuba Science City or go to the city to get necessary information from internet website. In the steps of making TSP, we attempted to obtain various opinions of persons who live in Tsukuba. TPS works somewhat now but it would be ideal if a united portal site would be established.
@Keywords : regional portal site / Tsukuba science city / research and development information / life information / public comment
The 1st information professional symposiumkRound meeting : Japanese scholarly journalslThe necessity and methods for spreading the Japanese scholarly journals through the world
Masaaki TONOSAKI (Nippon Medical School Central Library (1-1-5, Sendagi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8602 Japan))
Abstract : The price jump situation of a foreign journal is introduced according to main publishing companies. The state of the conventional scientific information communication is being asked for a change with the spread of electronic journals. If Japan advocates the technology information establishment of a state and the intellectual property establishment of a state, the time when should publish the first-class Japan scholarly journal which endures gScience" and gNature", and it should go coming, since it becomes the first runner, and the necessity of spreading a scholarly journal of Japan through the world will be pointed out. As methods of raising the Japanese journal, concrete strategies, such as obliging the report and research result by the research subsidy to surely write for a Japanese journal, to evaluate each other's paper published in Japanese journals, consciousness reform of researchers are described.
@Keywords : electronic journal / scholary journal / journal price / scientific information communucation
The 1st information professional symposiumkRound meeting : Japanese scholarly journalsl. The necessity and methods for spreading the Japanese scholarly journals through the world
Masaaki TONOSAKI (Nippon Medical School Central Library (1-1-5, Sendagi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8602 Japan))
@Abstract : The price jump situation of a foreign journal is introduced according to main publishing companies. The state of the conventional scientific information communication is being asked for a change with the spread of electronic journals. If Japan advocates the technology information establishment of a state and the intellectual property establishment of a state, the time when should publish the first-class Japan scholarly journal which endures gScience" and gNature", and it should go coming, since it becomes the first runner, and the necessity of spreading a scholarly journal of Japan through the world will be pointed out. As methods of raising the Japanese journal, concrete strategies, such as obliging the report and research result by the research subsidy to surely write for a Japanese journal, to evaluate each other's paper published in Japanese journals, consciousness reform of researchers are described.
@Keywords : electronic journal / scholary journal / journal price / scientific information communucation
The 1st information professional symposiumkRound meeting : Japanese scholarly journalsl. Scholarly journals and its copyright issues in Japan. : Winding road to establish permission system, Shigeru MATSUSHITA (PORT91 3-10-3 Honcyo Nakano-ku, Tokyo 164-0012 Japan)
Abstract : There are many difficulties in Japanese copyright permission system. We have four RROs (JRRC, JAACC, JCLS, JCPA) at this right moment, and they have different ways to permit their copyright works Each RRO incorporate few opinions of their users.
@@In order to launch Japanese scholarly online journals, it is most important to solve the copyright issues. It is also important that the copyright permission system has to place priority on the perspective of Japan's national interest.
@Keywords : scholarly journal / copyright / RRO (Reproduction Rights Organizations) / open access / online Journal
@Series : BOOKMARK for InfoPros‡J : Searching of the patent legal status
Yuko OGAWA (Organo Corporation Legal & Patent Dept. (2-8,Shinsuna-1chome, Koto-ku, Tokyo, 136-8631 JAPAN))
Abstract : The database and the related information for searching of the patent legal status about Japan, the U.S., Europe, and Asia are described.
@Keywords : Japan Patent Office / U.S. Patent Office / European Patent Office / China Patent Office / Korea Patent Office / Taiwan Patent Office / patent information database / patent legal status / information sharing